23rd edition of the annual futsal prizes released by
Futsalplanet.comFutsalplanet Awards 2022Best Men's Young Player in the WorldCheck the ten nominees: click here!
And the winner is...
Salar Aghapour (IRN)Congratulations, Salar!
The Story So Far
2023 -> to be announced soon, stay tuned!
2022 -> Salar Aghapour (IRN)
2021 -> Izaquel Gomes ”Zicky” Te´ (POR/GNB)
2020 -> Leonardo Caetano Silva "Leozinho" (BRA)
2019 -> Leonardo Caetano Silva "Leozinho" (BRA)
2018 -> Antonio Fernando Aguilera Sancho "Fernan" (ESP)
2017 -> Antonio Fernando Aguilera Sancho "Fernan" (ESP)
2016 -> Adolfo Fernández Díaz "Adolfito" (ESP)
2015 -> Adolfo Fernández Díaz "Adolfito" (ESP)
2014 -> Adolfo Fernández Díaz "Adolfito" (ESP)
2013 -> Carlos Vagner Gularte Filho "Ferrão" (BRA)
2012 -> Alejandro Yepes Balsalobre "Alex" (ESP)
2011 -> Sergio Lozano Martinez (ESP)
2010 -> Jesús Nazaret Aicardo Collantes (ESP)
2009 -> Thiago Freixo Moreira "Thiaguinho" (BRA)
2008 -> Dmitri Sergeevic Prudnikov (RUS)
2007 -> Jesús Herrero Parrón (ESP)
2006 -> not celebrated
2005 -> not celebrated
2004 -> Fernando Nascimento Cosme "Fernandinho" (BRA)
Salar Aghapour, Best Men's Young Player in the World 2022 (Photo courtesy: Futsal Thailand)

Salar Aghapour, Best Men's Young Player in the World 2022 (Photo courtesy: Futsal Thailand )

Salar Aghapour, Best Men's Young Player in the World 2022 (Photo courtesy: Mes Sungun Varzaghan FSC)

Salar Aghapour, Best Men's Young Player in the World 2022 (Photo courtesy: Mes Sungun Varzaghan FSC)

Salar Aghapour, Best Men's Young Player in the World 2022 (Photo courtesy: Mes Sungun Varzaghan FSC)

Futsalplanet Awards 2022 - 23rd edition of the annual futsal prizes released by Futsalplanet.com